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Sunday Services

  • Church of the Good Shepherd 214 Main Street Nashua, NH, 03060 United States (map)

Bulletin for either service HERE

8:00am Holy Eucharist

9:00 AM Fellowship/Coffee Hour

9:00 AM Mental Health Video Discussion (CGS Lounge)

Kevin Hines survived jumping off the Golden Gate bridge, and has become a mental health advocate and inspirational public speaker, traveling across the US and speaking at High Schools and institutions of higher education. He spreads his positive message for mental health awareness and shows that there is hope for those struggling. We will watch this compelling video and have a discussion.

9:00-10:00 AM Senior Choir warm-up

9:30 AM Sunday School (students join 10:00 AM Service during The Peace.

10:00am Family Eucharist (Nursery care available)

11:00 Fellowship/Coffee Hour

Zoom Link for either service:

Meeting ID: 926 2516 9665

Services also available on our YouTube Channel

Later today…Gathering of the Greens, Pasta Dinner, Lessons and Carols

January 2

Adult Choir

January 5

Youth Group