“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Giving to the church is a spiritual practice
Your connection with giving is a spiritual journey. Society gives us many mixed messages
about why, to whom, and how much we should give. Here at Church of the Good Shepherd we believe that giving is just that…giving.
As a community we are called to give through the sharing our time, talent and treasure. Whether we have a lot or little by worldly standards, we recognize that all gifts come from God to be shared for God’s service. How will you use your time, talent and treasure to give thanks for God's presence and love?
Annual Financial Support
“A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord: it is holy to the Lord.” Leviticus 27:30
Many at Church of the Good Shepherd make an annual commitment or “pledge.” This gift can be made by check, electronic ACH, credit card or cash each week, month or however you like. Your pledge enables Good Shepherd to plan our use of financial resources for the year and better serve the community both inside and outside the walls of the building.
We encourage you to adopt the concept of “Sacrificial Percentage Giving.” God made a sacrifice for us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, so that we might have life! We ask you to reflect on the amount that you can give that will be sacrificial for you and impactful in your spiritual life but also not cause financial distress. For some this may be 10% (or more) of their income, for others it’s 5%, 3%, 1% or less. Practicing “Stewardship” means being wise with how we spend our money, and making sure our personal budget reflects what we value.
We will launch our Annual Campaign September 25th. Keep an eye out for the campaign letter and pledge card, together with a link to fill out the pledge.
Give Now
Make a One Time Gift
Make an immediate online gift to support the ministry of the Church of the Good Shepherd. If you prefer to mail a check, our address is at the bottom of this page.
After clicking the link below, you will be given an opportunity to choose the type of gift you wish to give and include a note in the “Memo” box. Thank You!
Donate to the Book of Remembrance
If you would like to make a gift in memory or honor of someone, their names will be listed in the Book of Remembrance and in the Annual Report. Each year on All Saints Day, we begin the service reading from the Book of Remembrance. The gifted money is used for capital expenses.
You will receive a card acknowledging your gift in that person's name. And if appropriate their family will also receive a card.
Time & Talent
Time and Talent: Embracing the True Essence of a Church Community
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ…Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but many.” ~St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians
In a world where time is often seen as a scarce resource and talents are frequently overlooked, the concept of a "Time and Talent church" holds immense significance. Combining the essence of time and the richness of individual talents, such a church creates a vibrant, inclusive, and flourishing community for its members.
Legacy Giving
Legacy Information
Legacy giving can provide support for generations to come. Speak to your estate planning lawyer and to your family to determine if any of these options work best for you.
This is the simplest and most common option. A bequest is a legal provision in your will or the living trust portion of your will. You can name Church of the Good Shepherd as the beneficiary of a specific percentage of your estate, stocks, piece of property, or as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.GIFTS OF RETIREMENT ASSETS
You may reduce the size of your estate and potential income tax exposure to your heirs by naming Church of the Good Shepherd as a beneficiary of your retirement plan assets, such as your IRA or your 401(k) accounts.GIFTS OF REAL ESTATE
A gift of real estate can be designated in a number of ways. You can make an outright gift of your property to Church of the Good Shepherd. You can also enter into a retained life estate arrangement, where the property is deeded to Church of the Good Shepherd at the time of the gift, yet you retain the right of occupancy for you and/or your loved onesCHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES
In return for a gift of cash or appreciated stocks, you can receive a fixed annual income for yourself and/or your loved ones for life. Not only will you receive a sizable charitable income tax deduction or capital gains tax reduction, but also a portion of your income payments will be tax free. Not only will your gift eventually help Church of the Good Shepherd, but you can supplement your retirement income and receive a current income tax reduction.