Choir & Chorus

"Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world."
Martin Luther
Senior Choir
The Senior Choir is for high school students and adults and provides regular musical support for hymns, sung liturgy and anthems at the 10am service. A varied group of good-natured singers ranging in ability from those who can’t read a note of music (yet!) to those who have advanced degrees in music, these singers are committed to singing to the very best of their ability. Repertoire varies from 16th century polyphony to music by contemporary choral composers. Senior Choir meets on Thursdays, 7:00pm-8:30 pm and at 9:15 am on Sundays prior to the 10:00 am service. Short term commitments can usually be accommodated for those interested in participating in Senior Choir for a smaller part of the year. Rehearsals begin on September 19th. If you would like to participate, please contact us at or through the church office.
Chorus ad Diem
The Chorus ad Diem is the “choir of the day” on occasional Sundays at the 10:00am service. The Chorus ad Diem is tasked with leading the singing and offering a single, simple anthem. The only rehearsal for this choir is promptly at 9:00am that Sunday morning in the church. Chorus ad Diem is an adult ensemble that welcomes children who have the focus and discipline to conduct themselves accordingly. In addition to the Chorus ad Diem, other short term singing opportunities are available. The hefty services with exceptionally special music, particularly All Saints’ Sunday, Christmas Eve, Good Friday, and Easter, incorporate singers from CGS and the greater Nashua community resulting in a spectacular massed choir on these most sacred days—a short term commitment for the busy singer. If you would like to participate, please contact us at or through the church office.
Special Services
Special services such as All Saints' Sunday, Christmas Eve and Easter incorporate singers and musicians from Good Shepherd and the greater Nashua community. If you would like to participate, please contact us at or through the church office.
Funeral Choir
As you likely have noticed on Sunday mornings, having singers in the chancel makes singing in the nave easier and more enjoyable. If you would like to help lead the congregational singing at funerals, please contact us at or through the church office.