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Rectors Meeting

Rector's Meeting March 24, 7-8pm on Zoom

Looking for an opportunity to go a bit deeper into church happenings than what can be covered in our weekly announcements? Join Pastor Kathy and members of the Vestry for our second Rector's Meeting. At this meeting we will give highlights on what's going on at the church, let you know about opportunities to get involved, answer questions, and pray together. A subsequent Rector's meeting will be held in June. Together with our previous Rector’s Meeting in November and Annual Meeting in January, it is my hope that these occasions will provide opportunities throughout the church year for us to touch base and catch up on the various happenings here at CGS.

Zoom link HERE

Meeting ID: 895 7695 9836

Passcode: 110733

March 24

Contemplative Prayer and Brown Bag Lunch and Book Study

March 26

Wednesday Morning Prayer