People of all ages are welcome to participate in worship, from newborn babies to our community elders.

  • Communion

    At services that include Holy Communion, ALL people are welcome to receive communion, regardless of age or denominational background. Episcopalians invite all baptized people, and all who seek Christ, to receive communion because we want to emphasize what we have in common as we honor Jesus’ invitation to "do this in remembrance of me.”

    Those who do not desire to receive Holy Communion are welcome to come to the altar during this time and receive a welcome and blessing from the clergy. This can be communicated by crossing your arms over your chest while at the communion rail.

  • Sacraments


    “For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body”

    Baptism is the sacrament by which we are raised to new and eternal life in Christ. In Baptism, we meet Jesus, who calls us his own, and commit to follow him as his disciples. All are welcome to be baptized, whether it’s your child or yourself. Baptisms usually take place on major feasts of the Church, and are times for the whole community to celebrate new members in its midst, as well as to re-commit their own lives to Christ.

    Baptism is a gift, but there is also some commitment involved. We invite you into discernment before Baptism in the following ways:

    - Attending church for some months prior

    - Attend Baptism preparation sessions

    If you’re interested in being baptized, click the link below and we will be in touch with you.


    “Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.”

    Weddings are one of the places where God’s love is most intensely revealed through the love of two people for each other. They are a time for the celebration of both this love, which can be expressed between partners in a multitude of ways, regardless of sex and gender. If you are interested in getting married at our church, contact our office and we will be in touch with you.


    “For to your faithful people, O Lord, life is changed, not ended.”

    The service of Christian burial marks two things: the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ, who our loved ones have gone on to meet; and our lament that they are no longer with us. From Last Rites to the graveside, we will walk with you through times of grief. To make arrangements, contact Pastor Kathy below.

  • High Seasons

    Lent & Easter at Good Shepherd

    The season of Lent at Good Shepherd is a time to take a spiritual

    inventory of how your relationship with God and your community is going. There are many ways to participate in this most holy of seasons.

    Ash Wednesday Services

    Choose one of two services to begin this season of reflection and journeying with Christ.

    Lenten Study

    Join us Wednesdays at 6:30pm during Lent for a conversation about relevant spiritual topics as your Lenten journey unfolds. See Event Calendar.

    Holy Week: Palm Sunday, Tenebrae, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

    Easter Sunday

    8:00am & 10:00am

    Advent & Christmas at Good Shepherd

    As we await Jesus’ light coming into the world at Christmastime, Good Shepherd celebrates this joyous season with additional worship opportunities and programs.

    Gingerbread Village Decorating

    Everyone is invited to participate, no experience necessary; you just need to bring your already baked and assembled house to decorate. Frosting and candy for decorating will be on hand or if you like, you can bring your own "Special" decorations for your own house.

    Gingerbread Village Display and Fundraiser

    The Gingerbread Village will be on display for everyone to see and enjoy, feel free to invite your friends and family. These delicious houses will then be available for sale. All of the houses decorated at the party will be displayed for auction beginning at the Downtown Nashua Holiday Stroll.