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Spirituality and Aging: A Course About You.

  • Church of the Good Shepherd 214 Main Street Nashua, NH 03060 United States (map)

Please consider being part of the inaugural offering of a course on Aging & Spirituality designed by Deacon Nancy and based on her two-year program on Spirituality & Aging (Forest Dwelling Program) which she completed in December 2022.

Aging & Spirituality: A Course about You, is a six-session course for older parishioners who would like to develop an ever closer relationship with God, transition from ego-self to true-self (the you God created to be), and have purpose for everyday living. This first offering will be offered to 20 parishioners on a first come, first serve basis. There will be a $50.00 registration fee that will cover your textbook, a copy of Five Wishes, a copy of the PowerPoint slides, The Enneagram Test, and snacks for the break each week. If you are unable to pay that amount don’t let that stop you. Speak with Pastor Kathy, Deacon Nancy, or John Budzyna for a partial scholarship.

We will use lecture, group work (small group and total group) and personal work time. Participants will be asked to do some reading and one computer assignment (enneagram) outside of class. For anyone without a computer arrangement can be made for you to do it in the church office. Spiritual practices will be introduced each week.

The course will begin on April 11 and meet every Tuesday from 10-12 for 6 weeks.

April 11, 2023, My Aging: The Good and the Not So Good – Facilitator, Nancy Meyer, Deacon CGS

April 18, 2023, Identifying My Spiritual Needs – Facilitator, Nancy Meyer, Deacon CGS

April 25, 2023, My Transitioning From Ego-self to True-self or From Role to Soul – Facilitator, Nancy Meyer, Deacon CGS

May 2, 2023, Identifying My Gifts – Facilitator, Tina Pickering, Canon to the Ordinary Diocese of NH

May 9, 2023, An Out-Pouring of the Spirit – Facilitator, Kathy Boss, Rector CGS

May 16, 2023, From Taboo to Welcome – Facilitator, Susan Nutting, Death Doula, Parishioner CGS


contact John Budzyna in the office at 603-882-5352 or

May 15

Contemplative Prayer

May 17

Wednesday Prayer