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Fourth Sunday in Lent

  • Church of the Good Shepherd 214 Main Street Nashua United States (map)

Join us!

8:00am Holy Eucharist - Bulletin HERE

9:00-9:45am Fellowship/Coffee Hour, Adult Forum, no children’s education (Family Eucharist)

Adult Forum: Vergers—Who? What? Why? - Ever wonder about the folks in the black vestments leading our processions each Sunday? Those are our Vergers, an important role in the church with a history that goes way back. Come learn more about this ministry and meet our Vergers.

9:00-10:00am Senior Choir warm-up

9:30am Sunday School (children join church service after the Peace)

10:00am Family Eucharist (Nursery care available) Bulletin HERE

11:00 Fellowship/Coffee Hour

Zoom Link for either service:

Meeting ID: 926 2516 9665

Services also available on our YouTube Channel

March 9

Altar Guild Winter Meeting

March 10

Youth Group